Tom Callahan
Tom started in engineering operations and we soon realized that had a special talent with computers. Slowly computers made their way into engineering, news, sales and traffic. The infrastructure was lacking and Tom spent a lot of time running cables in the building and installing computers. The most unusual part of Tom’s job has been all the unique vendor software that is required to run news and production programs. He might be in sales helping someone with a printer and suddenly be called to the control room to try to resolve an on-air issue with the news software. His calm and thoughtful approach has always been very reassuring.
This picture was taken years ago when we had a receive point to tune in live shots. We are lucky to have two transceivers, Chase and Pinnacle, to tune in our news live trucks. At one time we also had a location in Attica that was helpful when the Bills played games in Buffalo.
In the back is an original RCA audio board, with 4 channels. When a new audio board was being installed in sub control, I did a few newscasts from this location on that little board.