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Audio Board Three
This was the third audio board I worked with at WHAM.

We had finally begun broadcasting in stereo and then, in what seemed like a short time, there was talk about all the stations converting to digital broadcasts. This was going to be a massive project in engineering. Most of the infrastructure in engineering was analog. We simply would not be able to broadcast the news in a digital format for a long time.

The project finally started and the budgets were made. The final large purchases to be made were the weather hardware and the audio board. Mike and I had wanted a MaxAir board from Euphonics. But it was not to be. Newport decided to make a group buy of Wheatstone E6 radio boards. So they installed this radio board in the new control room audio booth. It was quite a step down in capability compared with the ADM production board. I mastered it but never found it as much fun to operate as the ADM.